Puzzle Details:

There are 9 balls, out of which 1 ball is lighter in weight and rest all are of same weight.

You are given a two arm weighing scale.

In how many minimum weighs will you able to find the Lighter ball???

For Answer : See Here

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https://fresherswall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/9-Ball-puzzle-768x1024.pnghttps://fresherswall.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/9-Ball-puzzle-113x150.pngRounak JainPuzzleInterview Question,Logical Question,PuzzlePuzzle Details: There are 9 balls, out of which 1 ball is lighter in weight and rest all are of same weight. You are given a two arm weighing scale. In how many minimum weighs will you able to find the Lighter ball??? For Answer : See Here For More Interview Puzzles: Visit Here For...